2016 Frank Robert Abell Young Composers Competition for New Chamber Music (June 1)
2016 Frank Robert Abell Young Composers Competition for New Chamber Music
First Prize: $10,000 USD
Second Prize: $6,000 USD
This Award was established by a generous bequest from the estate of Frank Robert Abell, a longtime Louisville philanthropist with close ties to the University of Louisville School of Music. He had a deep love for contemporary music and a strong desire to help younger composers.
Any composer residing anywhere in the world, age 18-26 on the date of the deadline for submission. Faculty and staff of the University of Louisville or Indiana University Southeast, and their spouses and children, are not eligible to enter. Current and former students of the University of Louisville or Indiana University Southeast, and their spouses, are not eligible to enter. Winners will be required to confirm their date of birth before the Award is conferred.
June 1, 2016
Submission requirements
- Only one entry per composer
- Deadline: June 1, 2016
- Works must have been completed within three years of the submission deadline
- Minimum length: 12 minutes; no restriction as to maximum length. The minimum length will be strictly enforced, and will be based on the actual length of the submitted recording, regardless of what is indicated in the score.
- For 3-8 performers. Works may include voice(s) and/or electronics (fixed media and/or live). In the case of live electronics, performers required must be included in the total of 3-8 performers. In the case of fixed media, personnel required merely to turn on playback must not be counted in the 3-8 performers.
- A score (in PDF format) and recording (mp3 format only), as well as a brief bio in English must be submitted digitally via the online entry form. Recording must be of exact forces indicated in the score. Both live performances and studio recordings are welcome. No MIDI realizations or other artificial playback accepted.
- Winning composers must verify their age before the Award is made official and announced publicly.
- There is no entry fee.
Enter online
http://uofl.me/musiccomp2016 or http://compositioncompetitions.org