Iowa Composers Forum

20th Annual Student Composer Commission Project (June 1, 2016)

Music educators, both private instructors and schoolteachers, are encouraged to submit representative works by K-12 or undergraduate college students written for any combination of instruments and voices to the ICF Student Composer Commission Project. Three young composers will be commissioned to compose new works for Heather Armstrong, oboe, and Xiao Hu, piano, which will be performed at the Spring Festival of New Music in Decorah, IA, in Spring 2017.

Composers must be students of ICF members or reside in the state of Iowa to enter the competition. Students can enter in one of three categories based on their grade equivalent:

Category 1: 8th grade and younger

Category 2: 9th-12th grade

Category 3: College undergraduate

By June 1, 2016, interested students should choose one or two of their own previously composed pieces they feel represent their best work. These pieces may be for a soloist, small ensemble, or large ensemble, and use any combination of voices and/or instruments. The notation should follow standard ensemble layout practices, including proper instrumental order and transposition. Scores should be clearly labeled with the title of the composition and the grade level of the student at the time of submission. All marks referring to the identity of the composer should be removed.

Teachers then submit these one or two works to the address below, along with the following information on a separate sheet of paper: composition title(s); teacher’s name, address, telephone number, email and school (if applicable); student’s name, email, school, age, grade level at the time of submission, newspaper contact; a short biography; brief program notes; approximate timing, instrumentation, and date when the piece was written. No recordings need be submitted.

Three composers, one from each age category, will be awarded commissions and will be notified by August 1, 2016. All three commissioned composers will agree to:
1) collaborate with Professors Armstrong and Hu on their pieces throughout the year, either in person in Decorah, or through Skype/Facetime,
2) compose a new work, of no more than 5 minutes duration, that uses both instruments,
3) complete their work by December 1, 2016, and
4) attend the premiere of their work in Decorah in late Winter/early Spring, 2017.

A small travel stipend will be available to each composer to help them attend the festival. In addition, all entrants will receive a one-year, free membership in the Iowa Composers Forum, granting all the benefits of membership. The ICF reserves the right not to award a commission in one or more categories.


Submissions should be postmarked no later than June 1, 2016 and mailed to:

ICF Student Composers Competition
c/o Brooke Joyce
Luther College

700 College Rd.
Decorah, IA 52101

Comments are closed.


This article was written on 10 May 2016, and is filled under Uncategorized.