Red Oak Contemporary Ensemble is a brand new group based in New Jersey dedicated to promoting contemporary music in the entire state. Our main method of achieving this goal is through high quality performances of new and existing works.
We are seeking exciting new scores from composers all over the world.
This is an open call for scores, and there are few limitations.
Your piece may include any- thing from the standard orchestral instruments, guitar, and electron- ics.
Other instruments and large ensembles may be difficult for us to bring together, but we certainly welcome all ensemble types and
sizes. Please email with any ques- tions.
1. all ages may apply
2. there is no fee to apply 3. there are no minimum or
maximum time constraints Submission procedure:
email: scores@redoakensemble.
subject: call for scores
2 attachments:
1. LastName_ROCE.pdf
_ Contact: Name, Address,
Phone, email
_ brief bio (approx. 200 words) _ Title of piece(s)
_ program note(s) if available
2. LastName_ScoreTitle_ROCE.
3. link (optional): to a recording
(MIDI is acceptable)
Please email with any questions: sub- ject: question
Web site: http://www.redoaken-