The New York Flute Club is pleased to announce for the 2014-15 season the NYFC’s sec- ond Composition Competition. The original competition was held in 1948 and was won by Eldin Burton for his Sonatina, which has become part of our standard rep- ertoire. In reviving this competi- tion, we are seeking to recognize outstanding works for flute, to encourage composition for flute, and to bring exciting new compo- sitions to the attention of the flute community.
We are seeking works for flute and piano between 8 and 15 min- utes duration. The difficulty of the work is at the discretion of the composer, but high artistic goals should be balanced with realistic instrumental demands. Entered works should not have been pre- viously published, recorded and commercially released, or have had a formal premiere. Only origi- nal works which are less than five years old should be submitted.
Works should be complete, with no single movements of multi- movement pieces. Submissions will be adjudicated anonymously in two rounds.
The finalists’ compositions will be presented at the 2015 New York Flute Fair in March/April of 2015 in New York City. The Flute Club will select distinguished art- ists to perform the works and feature them in recital. The per- formances will be recorded and featured on the Flute Club’s web- site and YouTube channel.
More information about this competition and the previous
one can be found on pages
4-5 of the April 2014 NYFC Newsletter. Contact Kaoru Hinata, Competition Coordinator, with any questions.
Prizes: 1st Prize: $1500 • 2nd Prize: $1000 • 3rd Prize: $500