John Donald Robb Trust International Composers Competition (October 1)
The University of New Mexico John Donald Robb Musical Trust 2014 InternationalComposers’ Competition, a biennial contest, is open to composers from around the world of all ages.
The winning composition will be performed during the 2015 John Donald RobbComposers’ Symposium, March 22-25, 2015, at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM. The composer must be present to receive the award and oversee the performance.
A few details:
- The composition must be a vocal or instrumental, solo or chamber, work for up to six musicians, between 6-10 minutes in length.
- The composition must be derived from folk-song source material found in theJohn Donald Robb Archive of Southwestern Music at the Center for Southwest Research at the University of New Mexico. Materials can be accessed digitally.
- A highly respected international panel of judges will determine the winning composition.
- The submission process is entirely electronic. For instructions and an online entry form, please visit the Robb Musical Trust website.
Applications and completed scores
Must be received by
October 1, 2014
Questions? Please email us at or call 505.277.8967.