Call for recent electronic works
The Truman State University Department of Music invites creators of electronic music to submit works for inclusion in the 2014 New Horizons Music Festival. This year’s festival will have two venues for fixed media electronic, electroacoustic, and multimedia works as well as works that include live performers.
- Gallery exhibition. A gallery exhibition of musical works for 2-channel audio and 2-channel audio with video in conjunction with the show HUNTER/GATHERER. These pieces will play in the Truman State University Art Gallery the week of October 19-25 and will be listed in the Festival program along with composer bios and program notes.
HUNTER/GATHERER is “an examination of issues surrounding our food supply ranging from hunger to conservation, GMOs to CAFOs.” We are especially interested in pieces that would engage this artwork and/or the topic, even broadly. An example series that is part of the DIANA series by artist Margaret LeJeune can be found here. For audio works, the presentation format will be computer playback with display of title and composer of the work currently playing. Video will be projected by short-throw projection. The program of works will cycle continuously during gallery hours.
- Festival concert. A multimedia concert is being added to the festival this year on Friday October 24 at 7:30pm. Material for this concert will include selections from the Gallery exhibition as well as compositions that include live performance. Composers submitting live works are asked to provide their own performers, so these pieces are most likely an opportunity for artists in the region.
- 2-channel audio and 2-channel audio with video.
- Priority will be given to works that are less than 10 minutes.
- Video with 2-channel audio.
- Priority will be given to works that are less than 15 minutes.
- Works with live performers.
- Composers must provide their own performers and arrange travel to Kirksville, MO for the 10/24 performance.
- Priority will be given to works that are shorter that 15 minutes.
We will produce video recordings and photographs of all festival events. These will be made available to the authors for their own use. These same materials will be archived by the University Library and excerpts may be used by the University for promotional purposes. Authors will receive the media material plus printed programs.
There is no entrance fee associated with this call and there will not be remuneration of any kind (including travel expenses). Authors of the selected works are welcome to attend, but it is not a requirement.
- All submissions should use the web form found here.
- For 2-channel audio we ask that you upload compressed audio (mp3, etc.) via the web form.
- For video with 2-channel audio we ask that you provide a link to the video.
- Please limit your submissions to 2 works.
- The deadline to submit is September 15, 2014.
The final decision will be made by October 3. We will do our best to expedite our decision on works that include live performance.
Please direct questions to Dr. Charles Gran:
The New Horizons Music Festival
The New Horizons Music Festival is a day of contemporary music featuring performers from the university and the surrounding region. The Festival includes performances of most of the major genres in modern performance: chamber groups, multimedia, solo performers, large ensembles, and theatrical performance. The concerts and ongoing curated music exhibition provide a substantive slice of contemporary music focusing on forward-looking music.
The sixteenth edition of Truman’s festival of contemporary and experimental music, this year’s Festival features 6 concerts on the beautiful Truman State University campus in Kirksville, Missouri.
We are pleased to announce that our guest composer for this year’s festival is Amy X Neuburg, a renowned composer and performer of electric and eclectic cabaret music accompanied using her own unique blend of technologies that involve electronic percussion and live-looping. At the close of the festival, the Truman Percussion will perform a newly commissioned work by Ms. Neuburg for percussion ensemble and soprano.
The New Horizons Music Festival will be held on the Truman campus on Friday eveningOctober 24th and Saturday, October 25th.
You may view material from the 2013 Gallery exhibition and read the program booklet to get a sense of the Festival.